Last year’s Zagreb International Festival of wine & culinary art attracted respectable number of well known wine critics and experts from Croatia and abroad. Wojciech Bońkowski from Poland was one of the foreign critics whose presence and dynamism was noted by many . This young Polish wine expert whose specialties are wines of Italy, Central and Eastern Europe is well known for his writings and popular blog Polish Wine Guide where all recent experiences and recommendations are shared with broader public. Frequent invitations from numerous wineries and sponsorships by National Tourist Boards show no impact on objectivity in Bonkowski’s reviews which are critical, consistent and argumentative. Therefore it is even more appreciated when someone with such qualities gives good marks for it’s tastings. In the 5th episode on Croatian experience, entitled “Exciting Croatia”, Bonkowski displayed his favorites and Grk Cebalo was one from the list. In direct contact Bonkowski stressed that Grk was definitely one of the most exciting wines on the Festival and that after initial announcement he will share some additional thoughts on Grk and Zagreb event in some of his future articles. Until than we invite you to look for some other interesting articles on his blog.